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Charlotte Real Estate
Charlotte Real Estate. Search thousands of homes for sale in the metro Charlotte area.

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Flats in Andorra
Short term flats for rent in Andorra. We specialize in short term flat rentals in Andorra for sport and holiday travelers at budget prices. We offer you a large selection of rental flats in the best locations at a better and cheaper price than a hotel sta

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Portugal Best Properties Portugal Best Properties
The very best selection of property from across Portugal, especially the Algarve and Silver Coast.

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EXANTAS, properties in Crete EXANTAS, properties in Crete
We offer a big variety of carefully selected properties in Crete, but we are also able to do a customised research according to your personal specifications.

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Real estate in town of Bourgas - Bulgaria
J P L Bulgaria Ltd. is a French owned Bulgarian property investment company.We are one of Bulgaria's most prestigious property companies, with over 7 years experience in the European and non European property markets. Our company's aim is to give professi

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Houses in Sozopol for sale by developer Houses in Sozopol for sale by developer
Houses in Sozopol for sale, directly from the developer. 7 % Guaranteed rental income for 1 year contract.The prices start at 58 081 Euro

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Properties in Mallorca for sale Properties in Mallorca for sale
Specialising in beautiful homes in Mallorca offering for sale vast selection of exclusive properties: villas, country houses, deluxe apartments, sea view holiday homes

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0 1009 504.5
.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:. SANTOS, Agency Real Estate. CANARY
Real estate: houses, flats, apartments, villas, premises,bungalow, duplex. Gran Canaria. Maspalomas, Canary Islands. Spain

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0 1009 504.5
Agency Real Estate. Canary Islands
Agency Real Estate: hpuses, flats, apartments, villas. Canary Islands. Spain

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Palacetes Pelleteria: Development of luxury palaces in Palma de Mallorca
Palacetes Pelleteria. Luxury palaces in Palma de Mallorca. Enjoy the unbeatable comforts of living in a palace in the very centre of Mallorca.

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