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Houses in Crete
Crete property construction from a qualified builder and real estate agent, offering property, building plots and long term rentals to the West and East of Crete. In the areas of Chania, Rethymno and Lassithi

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YfH9ad http://www.LnAJ7K8QSpkiStk3sLL0hQP6MO2wQ8gO.com

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real estate and constructions company

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La actividad de Tangra Casas est? por encima de todo orientada al cliente.con la satisfacci?n de haber contribuido al futuro de muchas personas, Tangra Casas permanece con la mirada puesta en el futuro. La Empresa no descuida ning?n aspecto y pone en ma

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0 989 494.5
Real estate properties in Southern France Real estate properties in Southern France
Houses and properties for sale in a must see region of South West of France. The website compiles a selection of houses for sale in Barbezieux and surrounding areas.

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0 989 494.5
Anunturi imobliare - http://www.titirez.ro
Titirez.ro este portalul de imobiliare care vine in sprijinul utilizatorului cu o prezentare completa a fiecare proprietati: informatii complete si actualizate, sesiune foto si descrieri realizate de echipa noastra de fotografi si editori profesionisti. P

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0 989 494.5
PropertyWorld.com PropertyWorld.com
PropertyWorld.com is the world's largest international real estate website. Houses, homes, apartments, condos, for sale or rent vacation rentals, offices, warehousing, businesses. With more real estate in more countries..... no site goes further!

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0 989 494.5
Croatia Real Estate
Croatia Makarska Real Estate for sale, MAKARSKA properties for rent and joint venture; If you want to buy real estate in Makarska Croatia, rent real estate in Makarska Croatia or enter a joint venture with owner of Croatian Makarska real estate, please co

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0 989 494.5
Lion Malta Lion Malta
Lion Malta has the biggest online real estate database in Malta. It is the one stop shop for buying or selling your property in Malta and Gozo!

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0 989 494.5
Lucas Fox | Luxury Properties in Spain and Portugal
We help clients to buy, sell and rent real estate and properties in Barcelona, Maresme, Sitges, Ibiza, the Costa Brava and Lisbon and the Algarve in Portugal.

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